I’m a secular monastic in the Christian Celtic tradition, in love with love, life, horses, Sufism, and Shin Buddhism, with Centering Prayer and poetry as my spiritual practices. I live in Texas with a husband, 2 teens, and 2 horses. My writing interests include strange alternative theologies, the natural world, and contemplative practice.
This site is about my journey as a contemplative, my brushes with the perennial philosophy and contemplative greats. It’s also about the search for balance in an unbalanced world.
Part of what life is about is taking the time to look closely. Poetry, with its attention to life’s details, helps me see how the patterns that were not patterns, probably were patterns all along.
The photography is mostly mine.
The idea behind the Sophiad Podcasts is to make available bite-sized classic texts on contemplative themes for use as lectio divina or simply for discussion in a contemplative setting.
“Carpe iter” Seize the journey!